Bought Bill O'Reilly's well-written Killing Kennedy earlier this year in Holland and last week, while on holiday in the US, I bought the 'successor', Kennedy's Last Day's. I saw the huge billboard on Times Square in New York - this was something I wanted to read! I bought it at Newseum, in Washington, DC - the beautiful museum that has a great exhibition on Kennedy as we speak (go see it!!). by PERRY VERMEULEN After reading the book on the plane back to the Netherlands, I must say I am … [Read more...]
The famous backyard photos
This month 50 years ago, the famous backyard photographs were made by Marina Oswald. The photos show her husband Lee Harvey Oswald standing in his backyard, with a holstered pistol strapped to his waist, holding a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle and two communist newspapers, The Militant and The Worker. The authenticity of the pictures have always been the subject of discussion. by PERRY VERMEULEN After police arrested Lee Harvey Oswald on suspicion of assassinating President Kennedy, they … [Read more...]
Make up your mind, Marina
Through the years after the tragedy there were lots of times when Marina Oswald-Porter unleashed things from her past. She gave interviews, wrote to relatives and gave testimonies to authorities like the Warren Commission and the House Select Committee on Assasinations. When talking about the journey from Minsk to the US, in June, 1962, her statements differ a lot. Let's, for instance, focus on the city she said she visited in Holland, and how long they stayed before the ship took them to the … [Read more...]
Eyewitnesses: the Newmans
We all know Bill and Gayle Newman, and their two sons Bill and Clayton. "History reserved a special seat for Bill and Gayle Newman", wrote The Dallas Morning News last november, introducting the couple, now both 71 years old. Author James Ragland: "The Newmans were the closest civilian eyewitnesses to the assassination of JFK. About 15 minutes after the president was shot, the Newmans were interviewed live on TV. Their 15 minutes of fame, however, has endured for 49 years, permanently etched in … [Read more...]
Lee Oswald in Berlin
The most remarkable note in Oswald's address book, in my opinion, is the above on. Yes: this book, found among Oswald's belongings after the assassination of JFK, was much more than just a list of names and addresses. What do we see here? Lee Harvey Oswald wrote down 'West Berlin - F.R.G. Tempelhofer Damm. Lee H.' He made a little doodle too, an innocent scribble, at first sight. F.R.G. means Federal Republic of Germany: the official name of West Germany. The Tempelhofer Damm is an important … [Read more...]
Oswald in Bus 1213
You can always wake me up for remarkable details on the Kennedy case. Like this one - I found the image above in one of Robert Groden's books. by PERRY VERMEULEN John F. Kennedy was killed at 12:30 pm. Ten minutes later, Oswald took city bus 1213, driven by Cecil McWatters, aiming for Marsalis Street. Oswald stepped in at the intersection of Elm Street and Griffin Street. The bus continued its way on Elm, towards the Texas School Book Depository that Oswald just left. Photographer Stuart … [Read more...]
Kennedy in Berlin
In April 2012, I went to Berlin. The first place we visited, was the public square in front of the Rathaus Schöneberg, where Kennedy delivered his 'Ich bin ein Berliner'-speech on June 26, 1963. by PERRY VERMEULEN Watching the Wall Kennedy arrived in West-Germany on June 23 and visited Bonn, Frankfurt, Hanau and Cologne. In the morning of the 26th he flew to Berlin. "We’ll never have another day like this one, as long as we live", was how John F. Kennedy described the enthusiastic … [Read more...]
250 Mathenesserlaan
250 Mathenesserlaan is an address that not many researchers will recognize immediately. Its an interesting place, though, the house with the yellow stripes behind me, on the picture made in 2008. I was interviewed here after the publication of my first book, where I focussed mainly on the weekend Lee Harvey Oswald spent in Rotterdam, the second largest city in the Netherlands. He was in Rotterdam with Marina and baby June, waiting for the departure of the ship that took them back to the US after … [Read more...]
Naked on a boat
This is a beautiful story about John F. Kennedy and some ladies on a boat in the Mediterranean Sea, in the summer of 1956. The above photo could have changed history, according to TMZ, a website on entertainment news, who published it in September 2009. by PERRY VERMEULEN Kennedy enjoying a vacation My second book starts with this narrative and I always begin my lectures with it: it says something about the image of the President. The photo shows two naked women jumping off the boat and … [Read more...]
The assassination of Mary S. Sherman
On July 21, 1964, Dr. Mary Stults Sherman was brutally murdered in her appartment building on 3101 St. Charles Avenue, in New Orleans. She was a prominent orthopedic surgeon and expert in cancer research. The assassination remains unsolved, although there are some investigators who think they came close to a solution. And the assassination of John F. Kennedy has, according to them, everything to do with this tragedy. by PERRY VERMEULEN Mary's carreer Sherman was born … [Read more...]