Op 30 september 2023 kwamen Lammert de Bruin en Babs Assink van AVROTROS op bezoek voor een interview. Ze maakten een nieuwe podcastserie over de moord op Kennedy, in aanloop naar de zestigste herdenking van die gebeurtenis acht weken later. Voor de gelegenheid had ik een deel van mijn archief beneden op tafel gelegd; de verzameling boeken en tijdschriften, mijn eigen onderzoek en nog veel meer. Een leuke middag volgde. De zes afleveringen verschenen op 6 november op alle kanalen waar podcasts … [Read more...]
In gesprek met Peter R. de Vries (2012)
Dit verhaal deel ik hier op de zestigste gedenkdag van de moord op JFK; woensdag 22 november 2023. In 2006 werkte ik enkele maanden op de redactie van Peter R. de Vries. Mijn rol op de redactie was bescheiden; ik mocht er afstuderen tijdens de laatste maanden van mijn studie. In mei 2006 presenteerde De Vries een programma van 2,5 uur over de moord op John F. Kennedy. Het was een zeer indrukwekkende uitzending. Ik kon een beetje assisteren op de achtergrond; rond die tijd was ik al twee jaar … [Read more...]
Terug naar Magazine Street
door Perry Vermeulen Twee keer was ik in New Orleans, in de zomers van 2009 en 2013. Om diverse redenen uiteraard, want de stad heeft veel te bieden en is niet voor niets een van dé toeristische trekpleisters van het land. Ik was er ook met een doel dat minder vanzelfsprekend is voor de gemiddelde reiziger. In een kleine huurwoning in Magazine Street, in Uptown New Orleans, woonde in de zomer van 1963 Lee Harvey Oswald met zijn jonge gezin. Huurprijs: vijfenzestig dollar per maand. … [Read more...]
Kennedy locations in Dallas and Fort Worth
September, 2013. With a rented car I visited all locations in Dallas and Fort Worth related to the crime of the century, the assassination of John F. Kennedy. I made lots of pictures; fifty of them are on this page. In 2009 I travelled to New Orleans, where Lee Harvey Oswald lived. The photos of that journey can be found here. My name is Perry Vermeulen, born Dec. 08, 1982. I wrote two books on the assassination in 2008 and 2012, both published in the Netherlands. A large Dutch article about my … [Read more...]
Lévy on the Kennedy assassination
These days I'm reading American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville, (Random House, January 2006). A great book on the US, written by Bernard-Henri Lévy, a French public intellectual and author who travelled through the US in 2004 and 2005. You should all read it - it's been a while since I read such a great book on the United States. Off course he visits Dallas, and the Texas School Book Depository. "It is, more precisely, contained in this rare - perhaps unique - … [Read more...]
11/22/2013: 50 years after the JFK assassination
November 22, 2013. The assassination of John F. Kennedy was exactly 50 years ago. What happened in Kennedy's final hours? This is a liveblog on the events, from his departure in Fort Worth until the take off of Air Force One 3,5 hours later - now with a new President. by PERRY VERMEULEN, STAN BOS and MIKE BOESCHOTEN Timeline of the assassination of John F. Kennedy 11:17 AM Air Force One takes off from Carswell Air Force Base in Fort Worth. During the flight to Dallas, John F. Kennedy … [Read more...]
Books Bill O’Reilly – some criticism
Bought Bill O'Reilly's well-written Killing Kennedy earlier this year in Holland and last week, while on holiday in the US, I bought the 'successor', Kennedy's Last Day's. I saw the huge billboard on Times Square in New York - this was something I wanted to read! I bought it at Newseum, in Washington, DC - the beautiful museum that has a great exhibition on Kennedy as we speak (go see it!!). by PERRY VERMEULEN After reading the book on the plane back to the Netherlands, I must say I am … [Read more...]
Kennedy in Berlin
In April 2012, I went to Berlin. The first place we visited, was the public square in front of the Rathaus Schöneberg, where Kennedy delivered his 'Ich bin ein Berliner'-speech on June 26, 1963. by PERRY VERMEULEN Watching the Wall Kennedy arrived in West-Germany on June 23 and visited Bonn, Frankfurt, Hanau and Cologne. In the morning of the 26th he flew to Berlin. "We’ll never have another day like this one, as long as we live", was how John F. Kennedy described the enthusiastic … [Read more...]
Naked on a boat
This is a beautiful story about John F. Kennedy and some ladies on a boat in the Mediterranean Sea, in the summer of 1956. The above photo could have changed history, according to TMZ, a website on entertainment news, who published it in September 2009. by PERRY VERMEULEN Kennedy enjoying a vacation My second book starts with this narrative and I always begin my lectures with it: it says something about the image of the President. The photo shows two naked women jumping off the boat and … [Read more...]