New document Oswald on SS Maasdam


I did years of research into the trip Oswald made from Minsk to Texas through my own country, the Netherlands, and on the days aboard the ship SS Maasdam, from Rotterdam to Hoboken, New Jersey. Saw photos and documents, came in contact with people who were on this ship with Lee Harvey Oswald.


I always claim that no element in the whole Kennedy investigation has been treated this undervalued. The investigation on this trip in may and june 1962 was poor and minimal. I wrote this article on my investigation: Oswald on SS Maasdam IV.

Anyway, despite of all my research, today I received something which I have never seen before. A new Maasdam document on Oswald, dated June 4, 1962, the day of the departure.

A Dutchman has it in his posession and today he sent me photos of it. He asked me about the value of this document. Who can tell me more about this piece of paper?

Click below for a larger version.



  1. Eric Vogelvang says

    That’s a great find.

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