Kennedy locations in Dallas and Fort Worth

September, 2013. With a rented car I visited all locations in Dallas and Fort Worth related to the crime of the century, the assassination of John F. Kennedy. I made lots of pictures; fifty of them are on this page. In 2009 I travelled to New Orleans, where Lee Harvey Oswald lived. The photos of that journey can be found here. My name is Perry Vermeulen, born Dec. 08, 1982. I wrote two books on the assassination in 2008 and 2012, both published in the Netherlands. A large Dutch article about my … [Read more...]

Oswald-related places to visit when hungry and thirsty

This september I visited New Orleans and Dallas. Walking around in these city's makes a man hungry and thirsty. This is an enumeration of places to visit when in need for a beer or a burger. All places have a relation to key players of the events in November, 1963. Did you know The Ozzie Rabbit Lodge, Lee Harvey's, Campisi's, Henry's Uptown Bar and Le Bon Temps Roule? by PERRY VERMEULEN The Ozzie Rabbit Lodge, Fort Worth Near Shannon Rose Hill Memorial Park, where Oswald was buried November … [Read more...]

Visiting Marina

"Get out of my property," hissed the 75-year-old Kenneth Porter with restrained anger. He was clearly not enamored of this unannounced visit from the Netherlands. The second husband of Marina Oswald Porter was assisted by a loud barking, medium-sized dog. "Get out of my property, didn't you see the warning sign at the beginning of the driveway?" The hope for a little conversation was soon gone, let alone a picture and a short, unique interview with his wife Marina. "No, you do not have to call … [Read more...]