September, 2013. With a rented car I visited all locations in Dallas and Fort Worth related to the crime of the century, the assassination of John F. Kennedy. I made lots of pictures; fifty of them are on this page. In 2009 I travelled to New Orleans, where Lee Harvey Oswald lived. The photos of that journey can be found here. My name is Perry Vermeulen, born Dec. 08, 1982. I wrote two books on the assassination in 2008 and 2012, both published in the Netherlands. A large Dutch article about my … [Read more...]
Kennedy locations in Dallas and Fort Worth
September, 2013. With a rented car I visited all locations in Dallas and Fort Worth related to the crime of the century, the assassination of John F. Kennedy. I made lots of pictures; fifty of them are on this page. In 2009 I travelled to New Orleans, where Lee Harvey Oswald lived. The photos of that journey can be found here. My name is Perry Vermeulen, born Dec. 08, 1982. I wrote two books on the assassination in 2008 and 2012, both published in the Netherlands. A large Dutch article about … [Read more...]
De gruwelijke moord op Mary Sherman
Vandaag 50 jaar geleden vond de geruchtmakende, gruwelijke moord op Mary Sherman plaats. Een misdaad die vrij onbekend is - u had vast nog nooit van het slachtoffer gehoord. Sherman werd op 21 juli 1964 op vreselijke wijze teruggevonden in haar appartement op 3101 St. Charles Avenue, in New Orleans. Het drama is nooit opgelost, maar er zijn onderzoekers die denken dat ze niet ver van de waarheid zijn. En de moord op John F. Kennedy heeft er volgens hen alles mee te maken. Onzin van enge … [Read more...]
Naar de vrouw van Kennedy’s moordenaar
“Get out of my property”, siste de 75-jarige Kenneth Porter met ingehouden woede. Hij was duidelijk niet gecharmeerd van het onaangekondigde bezoek uit Nederland. De man die in 1965 trouwde met Marina Oswald Porter, de Russische vrouw die eerder gehuwd was met de vermeende moordenaar van president John F. Kennedy, werd bijgestaan door een luid blaffende, middelgrote hond. “Van mijn terrein af, heb je het waarschuwingsbord niet gezien aan het begin van de oprit?” Er zat niets anders op. Een … [Read more...]
New document Oswald on SS Maasdam
I did years of research into the trip Oswald made from Minsk to Texas through my own country, the Netherlands, and on the days aboard the ship SS Maasdam, from Rotterdam to Hoboken, New Jersey. Saw photos and documents, came in contact with people who were on this ship with Lee Harvey Oswald. by PERRY VERMEULEN I always claim that no element in the whole Kennedy investigation has been treated this undervalued. The investigation on this trip in may and june 1962 was poor and minimal. I … [Read more...]
Visiting Marina
"Get out of my property," hissed the 75-year-old Kenneth Porter with restrained anger. He was clearly not enamored of this unannounced visit from the Netherlands. The second husband of Marina Oswald Porter was assisted by a loud barking, medium-sized dog. "Get out of my property, didn't you see the warning sign at the beginning of the driveway?" The hope for a little conversation was soon gone, let alone a picture and a short, unique interview with his wife Marina. "No, you do not have to call … [Read more...]
Ruth Paine House Museum opens
I visited the Ruth Paine house in Iriving, Dallas, last september. It was empty inside. Well, empty... A table, some chairs and a painting were left by the last occupants. Two months after my quick visit, the house is a home again. The Ruth Paine House Museum opens to public on November 6. by PERRY VERMEULEN The home that once belonged to Ruth Paine, the woman who befriended Marina Oswald and let her live there with her two young daughters, has been restored. The 1,250-square-foot house allows … [Read more...]
Oswald on SS Maasdam IV
Received a mail from someone who was interested in information I shared in the period 2007-2010, on the trip Lee Harvey Oswald made from Rotterdam (the Netherlands, my country) to the United States. Oswald travelled with his wife Marina and their baby, June. They left Minsk and travelled by train through Moscow, Poland and Germany, spending a night in a boarding house (in an expensive neighbourhood!) in Rotterdam. On June 4, the SS Maasdam, a Holland America Line ship, took off, bound for … [Read more...]
1026 N. Beckley Avenue: visiting Pat Hall
I rang the bell of 1026 North Beckley Avenue in the afternoon of September 10, last month, while visiting Dallas. After a while a middle-aged woman looked through the glass. She wasn't feeling well, but if I wanted to wait for 20 minutes, she was willing to dress up for a short interview. Great news: off course I wanted to talk with Patricia Puckett Hall (61). After all - it was her grandmother who rented a room to Lee Harvey Oswald in the last weeks of his life. Worth the wait. by PERRY … [Read more...]
Magazine St, New Orleans: where Oswald lived
I visited New Orleans in 2009 and was confused: the address of Lee Harvey Oswald was 4905 Magazine Street, but I couldn't find a house with that number. Walking from the corner of Magazine and Upperline Street, you'll find the odd numbers 4901 (uninhabited for years), 4903, 4907 and 4911 easily on your right. Where was 4905? I took several photo's like this one, of 4907 Magazine. Was this the house where Oswald lived from may to september 1963? Back home I soon learned that it wasn't. And in … [Read more...]
The famous backyard photos
This month 50 years ago, the famous backyard photographs were made by Marina Oswald. The photos show her husband Lee Harvey Oswald standing in his backyard, with a holstered pistol strapped to his waist, holding a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle and two communist newspapers, The Militant and The Worker. The authenticity of the pictures have always been the subject of discussion. by PERRY VERMEULEN After police arrested Lee Harvey Oswald on suspicion of assassinating President Kennedy, they … [Read more...]
Lee Oswald in Berlin
The most remarkable note in Oswald's address book, in my opinion, is the above on. Yes: this book, found among Oswald's belongings after the assassination of JFK, was much more than just a list of names and addresses. What do we see here? Lee Harvey Oswald wrote down 'West Berlin - F.R.G. Tempelhofer Damm. Lee H.' He made a little doodle too, an innocent scribble, at first sight. F.R.G. means Federal Republic of Germany: the official name of West Germany. The Tempelhofer Damm is an important … [Read more...]
Oswald in Bus 1213
You can always wake me up for remarkable details on the Kennedy case. Like this one - I found the image above in one of Robert Groden's books. by PERRY VERMEULEN John F. Kennedy was killed at 12:30 pm. Ten minutes later, Oswald took city bus 1213, driven by Cecil McWatters, aiming for Marsalis Street. Oswald stepped in at the intersection of Elm Street and Griffin Street. The bus continued its way on Elm, towards the Texas School Book Depository that Oswald just left. Photographer Stuart … [Read more...]
250 Mathenesserlaan
250 Mathenesserlaan is an address that not many researchers will recognize immediately. Its an interesting place, though, the house with the yellow stripes behind me, on the picture made in 2008. I was interviewed here after the publication of my first book, where I focussed mainly on the weekend Lee Harvey Oswald spent in Rotterdam, the second largest city in the Netherlands. He was in Rotterdam with Marina and baby June, waiting for the departure of the ship that took them back to the US after … [Read more...]