Kennedy locations in Dallas and Fort Worth

September, 2013. With a rented car I visited all locations in Dallas and Fort Worth related to the crime of the century, the assassination of John F. Kennedy. I made lots of pictures; fifty of them are on this page. In 2009 I travelled to New Orleans, where Lee Harvey Oswald lived. The photos of that journey can be found here. My name is Perry Vermeulen, born Dec. 08, 1982. I wrote two books on the assassination in 2008 and 2012, both published in the Netherlands. A large Dutch article about my … [Read more...]

Kennedy locations in Dallas and Fort Worth

September, 2013. With a rented car I visited all locations in Dallas and Fort Worth related to the crime of the century, the assassination of John F. Kennedy. I made lots of pictures; fifty of them are on this page. In 2009 I travelled to New Orleans, where Lee Harvey Oswald lived. The photos of that journey can be found here. My name is Perry Vermeulen, born Dec. 08, 1982. I wrote two books on the assassination in 2008 and 2012, both published in the Netherlands. A large Dutch article about … [Read more...]

Moord op Versace: dodelijke gigolo

In 1987 schreef Andrew Phillip Cunanan in het jaarboek van zijn middelbare school bij zijn pasfoto 'Après moi, la deluge' - na mij, de zondvloed. Wat hij tien jaar later zou veroorzaken in de Verenigde Staten, kan echter beter worden omschreven als een enorme tornado. Hij schoot twee oude vrienden dood, twee onbekende mannen die hij op zijn vlucht tegenkwam, en tenslotte de wereldberoemde modeontwerper Gianni Versace. De jacht op hem was de grootste sinds de klopjacht op de moordenaar van Marten … [Read more...]